Adopt a Resue Guinea Pig Month


Happy March! This will be the thirteenth annual National-Adopt-a-Rescued-Guinea Pig month. Please help and take part, whether it’s heading down to your local rescue or shelter and adopting a pig (or two), or donating towards their care.

We took in 73 Guinea Pigs last month, and though most were transferred to other shelters, I can say firsthand they do indeed live up to their names and can easily go through food, veggies, and hay like nobodies business.

Throughout the month we will also be sharing tips and tricks we’ve learned on how to properly care, handle, and love these little guys.If you do adopt this month, please share some pictures in the comments below! We would love to make a slideshow of all piggies saved to honor this month’s special event.

The Blog is Live!!

While there are still some things to “twheek”, this is hopefully the start of a new endeavor  of mine to share my love, knowledge, and experience about guinea pigs with others. While I am still new to pigs – only having brought my first pig home in June of 2014, I have jumped in full force and have no intentions of looking back.

A little about me – I’ve worked at an animal shelter here in Southern Maine for almost two years. I manage our small animal department, from scheduling intakes of animals needing to be surrendered to ensuring they all get the proper care, diet, and daily enrichment.

The real stars of this blog though, are the pigs. At this time I have five:

-Edward and Hiccup are 2.5 year old brothers. They were transferred to our shelter from Nevins Farm when we responded to a request for help taking in some animals. Edward looks like a poofy Teddy/American, while Hiccup looks like a Abyssinian/Peruvian (or Abyruvian) mix.

-Moxie is a 9 month old Abyssinian, transferred in from Nevins Farm as well. She was originally here as a foster, but we all know how that tends to work out. She is paired with Puff, a 4 year old American I kept after I fostered her and her sister, who passed away after a month of hospice care.

-The newest addition is a 2 month old Teddy girl, not yet named. She will be the start of my show string this year, and if that doesn’t work out she’ll remain a much loved pet. We’ll be adding another friend for her shortly.

And that about rounds it up for our first blog post!!
